Provolone Valpadana Pdo

ProvoloniProvolone Valpadana is a P.D.O. "pasta filata" cheese. Its origins are from Southern Italy although these days it is produced in many other regions of Italy. Presently, the main production areas are Veneto and Lombardy, particularly the province of Cremona. The cheese has various shapes, pear-shaped, sausage-shaped, melon-shaped... and because of that, the various names like Provolone, Pancetta, Gigante, Gigantino, Pancettone, Mandarino... All forms are tied with strong rope and hung to age. Provolone is produced with whole pasteurised cow milk only and it is available in two types: "Dolce" and "Piccante":

- DOLCE (sweet) has a mild taste; it is produced using veal rennet and it is aged for 2-3 months;
- PICCANTE (sharp) has a sharp taste; it is produced using kid and/or lamb rennet and it is aged for a minimum of 3 months up to over one year. Both "Dolce" and "Piccante" also come smoked.


Country of Origin: Italy
Cheese Type: Stretched Curd
Milk Type: Cow
Wine Pairing: PROVOLONE VALPADANA DOLCE: Young white wines of medium structure or young red wines (Roero Arneis, Ribolla Gialla, Falanghina, Dolcetto d’Alba, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Valpolicella) PROVOLONE VALPADANA PICCANTE: Well structured whieines, reds with body or Spumante Classic Method (Lugana superiore, Soave Classico, Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, Fiano di Avellino, Chianti, Valpolicella Ripasso, Aglianico del Vulture, Cirò Superiore, Spumante Trento DOC o Franciacorta)